Don't feel like finishing this..I will when it's time.
Admirers :]
Who Am I?
- cYrus - A proud ex Sparker!
- Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
- Nothing special about me, I can change from time to time.
Fellow Sparkers!
- 'Tyra Banks'
- Ada
- Afie
- Ali
- Ann
- Arief
- Asyraf Lee's Blog (How Do I Even Describe You)
- Asyraf Lee's Main (How Do I Even Describe You)
- Atikah
- CD
- Cedrick (Crying Is Bad..)
- Divagar
- Edwin's Blog (Shiela :P)
- Edwin's Blog 2 (Shiela :P)
- Edwin's Main (Shiela :P)
- Eifah
- Ek-You
- Eliza
- Eni(Stepsister :P)
- Fakhrul
- Farhan
- Farhana
- Frank
- Gene Ong
- Hamsa
- Iz
- Jamie
- Jershonia
- John
- Joshua
- Ju Yi
- Juniece
- Kai
- Kazu
- KikiLala (Emo over bad pictures :D)
- Kubi
- Lea
- Lee
- Lorrian
- Marina
- Meor
- Mia Palencia
- Mila
- Moana
- Nency
- Raj
- Ryan
- Samm (Gave me an exam on myself >:P)
- Selvam
- Sharmi
- Shazzy
- Sherilyn
- Sindee
- Stick
- Venuga
- Yaya
- Yu
- Friday, August 22. The End..
- Thursday, August 21. Coming To An End..
- August 20, Wednesday.
- Tuesday, August 19 - Starting of a New Day.
- First Day, First Night, End of The Day...
- Fellow Sparkers! or Mentors/Facilitator/DigiZens T...
- Selected For Spark!
- Here we are, my first time attempting a blog.
- Simplicity
- Image of Me
- What makes me, ME..?
- White for Perfection
- Photoshop time~
- Bez Day Eva!
- RM 50 on the street!?
- Me Me Me!!
- The 'Future' Me
- Slideshow
- Interpreting My Name
Spark! is coming to an end ain't it...
Sudden light-sorrowness strucked me...
First our instructors showed us how it's done.
First round,

Second round, third round, fourth round went on. I don't really remember the sequence of who went out, but what I do remember is Cedrick going out. He's awesome..

Done with Hybrid Krump, we have around an hour to sparkle and have breakfast before moving to D'House. Finally I get to slowly enjoy my Koko Krunch with milk.

I'll remember the five DiGizens who went forward to give the talk. Big thanks to all of you. * If you happen to read this =) *
Theatre and Expression Through Speech, Improve and Thinking On Your Feet
Mentors :
Chris and Edwin
All of us are divided into ten groups. I'm with CD, Samm, Roghini and Jamie.
I can't elaborate more on this workshop since I got no photos of it and too busy having fun :P
Done with the workshop, we're on Spark! Time again. This is the last chance for us, photographers to take the last few snaps we can. We are also nervous, thinking of which picture should we choose for both exhibition and slideshow presentation tomorrow.
We didn't have enough time to choose the photos we want because we need to rehearse awhile for tomorrow Fireworks : The Spark! Show.
Finished with the short rehearsal, we're on our way to Restoran Rebung,
owned by Chef Ismail.
Everyone was grabbing the opportunity to snap photos with each other. Took a few shots of and with those who I consider close while being there =) Without them I wouldn't be spitting even a word out.. Thanks guys, you know who you are.
Cedrick, Meo, Fakhrul and few others came out to talk, speech or some sort, to every Sparkers.
Makes us feel like that very night we will be parting. Hated them :/
Then, YAWA surprised us with a great performance.
YAWA nurtures continuous positive development in young people throughout the critical growing stages of life. Networking with organisations both locally and internationally, YAWA has organised almost 100 projects involving many hundreds of children.
A low quality sample of what YAWA performed that night.
Anyway, thanks to them and DiGi, this night is very very special.
Done with dinner, we went back hotel for Reflection Time. Not much energy left for reflections..
Asyraf had to come in order for us to select the photos we need for tomorrow. Poor guy, I don't really know what time did he went back. Around 1 I guess? And he still have to put them on a slideshow, convert our pics to BW :P Thanks badi.
Spark! is coming to an end...
Cedrick moved in yesterday after he know I'm alone and mainly because his ex-roommate love freezing cold temperature in their room, Cedrick just can't stand it ._.
Woke up for Body Conditioning. Aim is to tone up our muscle. Believe it or not I get pain everywhere on my body after this exercise...ugh. We're given extra time today to shower and have our breakfast, finally I have the chance to enjoy some 'nasi lemak' along with some milk :D
The morning is all about talks, which I err..forgot. Blablabla lunch time. What did I ate anyway? No idea, forgotten.
Next up, Song Writing and Expression Through Words.
Mia Palencia is our mentor for this. She started off by calling upon some Sparkers to create a tune on a piece of software, some turned out good, some turned out crappy :P
Moving on, we're taught the basics of writing a song. And yeah we're given some newspapers, magazines to lookup for a title to be used as our song title. I chose Petrified.
Write and write, Mia wants some of us to go out and sing our song. Oh my god, end of the world...
Kila, and me was like so scared that we will be called outside to sing. Haha God loves me, I escaped the disaster.
Around 3 hours passed, and it came to the end. Mia asked us if we have any questions for her, some guy shouted 'Sing for us!~'. And yeah, Mia sang live for us.
She sang 'Sayang'. A real good song that I love until this very day, I kept repeating that song on my iPod and PC =) Here's a low quality video of the live singing moment.
Her singing is just awesome, pure awesomeness :] Oh btw, all of us were given a free CD of her album too :D Oh oh, we all got her autograph.
Break time, I remember having a some sort of tart, inside it were exactly like pizza toppings. Oh I'm in love with that thingy. It looked something like this, just a little better.
Guess what's next? DiGi Time : The Big Spark.
It is big when I come to think of it, CEO of DiGi came in and gave us a talk. He looks real young and charming ;)
It's Spark! Time. We met Asyraf and off we go to take some shots. We followed Frank to the hill behind the waterfall just to have a look at how is it from up there. And yeah it's quite tiring with nothing there :P Frank is like 'Here we are, and yeah I comes here like once in 6 months..'
Went back to the hotel to 'Sparkle'. And off we go our third day dinner venue. It's a Arabian like place. The interior design is real cool, I feel like being in Arab. The food is good, the Henna is free. Everyone loved it.
Here comes the interesting part LoL. There's a hot belly dancer~
Haha, I could only remember Iz and Moana went in to join the fun. And yeah their belly aren't even dancing :P
After a long and tiring day, it's time to call it a day. Of course, everyday is an interesting day, just that this night is extra juicy.
Walked right back to my room, opened the door, slided the cardkey into the slot, lights were turned on, my eyes landed straight on a children's sandal. Only a side of it, the other side? God knows where.
I was like 'Sandal..?' Of course like every normal human being would do, I took the cardkey and went right out :P I went down to the room where Sparkers are updating their blog just to clear my mind and relax a little. I went to Kak Sal and told her, she was like more afraid than me :P I followed her to the counter, asking the guy if there's any housekeeping going on after all of us went out for dinner, and yeah he said no, it's only in the morning.
Woo hold on there..
So the guy at the counter asked a Pak Cik(Maintenance guy I think) to follow us to my room to check it out. Did that, went there, he saw it and said :
'It might be accidentally swept out from under the bed when housekeeping is going on'.
Oh yeah like I saw that sandal when I went out for dinner..
Ignored it, got some air, went to shower and sleep..
I set my alarm to wake me up at 5:45a.m., just in case I can't get up. I responded to any sound rather easily that night, I'd say it's because I'm sleeping alone in that room :P All lights were on, even the TV to accompany me. Woke up, freshen up a little, and I'm ready for Cardio Kickboxing session. Wawa and one abang which I forgotten his name, is conducting all the morning exercise session throughout Spark!. And yeah, Wawa is hot, all the boys were like so fired up that sleepy morning.
Done with Cardio Kickboxing session, we're given only 30 minutes to shower, get ready and breakfast :( Missed my breakfast, but I'm okay with that.
I'm quite excited in the bus on the way to D'House, eagerly wondering what lies up ahead today for me. The main entrance had probs, one of the glass broke, so we entered through side entrance. We were brought into a very nice room. Great sofa and coffee machine :P
We're given a talk on choices in life, I forgotten what's the talk about to be honest, I only remember a guy who came late and gave a boring speech...almost everyone hated him for good reasons :>
Lunch time..although I forgotten what I ate, but one thing for sure,
whatever, we ate there, it's top class. It's like being a rich guy eating good food for 5 straight days. Phew.....
Dance and Expression Through Movement.
The session lasted for around 3 hours, we had a blast.
Next up is Spark! Time. It's when we get up-close with our mentors for our assignment. I, a member of the Photography group gets a glimpse on DSLRs for the first time. Asyraf taught us the basics, and off we go having fun with. I shared the Alpha 350 with -

Frank brought Photography Group B around the office to take some shots. I had a look at the CEO's room too. Too bad I can't seem to find Frank's Facebook page...
Frank is very very friendly and cool by the way, did I mention that? =)

Done with Spark! Time, we went back to the hotel and get prepared for our second day dinner. It's Northern Indian cuisine if I'm not mistaken. I didn't know Indian cuisine is that good o_o
The restaurant name is Passage Thru India. Done eating, we're given a talk about Money by someone from MoneyTree. I forgot his name, but his talk is very very useful. I'll remember the story of how he covered up when he missed his exam ;)
Night time : Spark! Reflections time.
At the same time : I'm sleepy and tired.
Conclusion : I waited awhile in the room and went back to my room to yeah you know..
End of day 2. Tomorrow, a new day, a new hope.
Day started with a 'not-so-normal' theme because it's Sparking! day =) Took KTM and LRT to Taman Jaya, poof and I met some of the Sparkers. Arrived at Syah's Village Hotel at that rainy morning and we Sparkers were required to register at the xx room(I forgot what's the hall name).
There's :
- Photography
- Drama
- Song Writing/Singing
- Dancing and,
- Production team.
God bless me for I got Photography instead of dancing/drama...
Edwin (he's really funny and also a very nice guy..missed ya).

Edwin Sumun is a renowned actor, creative director and the founder of Sumunda. After studying, acting and winning awards in Germany and the USA, he returned to Malaysia where he became very involved in the local entertainment scene and was dubbed the "next big thing in theatre". Edwin Sumun has become well-known in Malaysia and the region for his critically acclaimed works in theatre, films, television programs and commercials.
I would like to write everything in detail of the very pleasent memory..but I know that can't be done. It will only reside in my mind forever =)
After the short briefing of the 'rules' from Edwin, we had our lunch and we are on our way to D'House(DiGi Headquarter). It's the Spark!OFF(lol) and D'House Tour session. We're all over the D'House to have a look at how beautiful the place is. It totally blew our mind.
Photography and Expression Through Images
Our mentor for this session is :
Asyraf Lee

He ran a slideshow of some of his work and they were great. Being a professional photographer at 20, he's my idol o_o
Session ended, traveled back to hotel for 'Shower and Sparkle', and we're on our way to our first dinner. Its Italian if I'm not mistaken. We had :
- Bruschetta with tomato olive tepanade toppings and Caesar salad for starter.
Our main course :
- Penne all'arrabbiata,
- Spaghetti Alfredo and,
- Farfalle spinach sauce.
For dessert we had :
- Baked pannetone with caramel sauce.
The dinner is good =)
Oh yeah 1 more thing, DiGi also planned a surprise birthday 'party' for Kiki Lala.
Still kinda remember what she said :
'Being in Spark! is the best present I can get for my birthday this year'.
Happy birthday my friend =)
We are also introduced to the remaining mentors. They are :
(Mentor for Drama/Theatre and Expression Through Speech with Edwin)

(Mentor for Dance and Expression Through Movement)

Guna is an award winning dancer and choreographer who specializes in Indian Classical (South Indian and Odissi) and Contemporary Dance. He has won the Boh Cameronian Award for Best Solo Perfomer and will be performing in Carnegie Hall in New York this autumn.
Last but not least,
Mia Palencia
(Mentor for Song Writing and Expression Through Words)

Other great 'crazy' DiGizens are
Saffura, Guri, Frank and Sherina.
All our activities were carried out with the help of
Emily, Vivian, Nurha, Khai, and Arief.
Thank you all.
Done with dinner, we traveled back to hotel for Spark! Reflection time. We are given time to update our blog each night. But yeah..I'm too sleepy so I went back to room :P.
Fellow Sparkers! or Mentors/Facilitator/DigiZens That Is Visitting =)
Posted by cYrus - A proud ex Sparker!Please leave a mail at my email( at the comment box/or comment in posts and leave your contact details :D Let's keep the Spark! spirit alive. Lookin forward to hear from you guys. Will be updating my blog soon.
Hmm..I'm not really sure how do I feel now. Dillema :O Found out that there'll be nobody that I know there later, will be tough getting used to :S
I had to lookup for the word 'Alter Ego' for a better understanding..and Wikipedia defined
'Alter Ego' as :
a second self,
a second personality or
persona within a person.
When I think about alter ego, I guess it's similar to an 'image' of one trueself.
My "Alter Ego' would be a quiet, good-behaving guy in the public. I'm not saying I'm not a good-behaving person :/ just that it's hard at times for me to express myself in public. I would say, self-confidence issue? And there goes all my ideas..
I tries to express and be 'myself' as good as possible, but it seems like it had already been sealed within me. I love to talk, but only with those who I know. With strangers? Tough..
I believe this will change for the better someday, and I believe in that someday.
I believe everyone have their own way to represent themselves, a unique identity. So do I. I'm just an ordinary kid, having no extraordinary flawless looking face, or standing 185cm tall, I am me myself.
I see things differently, and I love being different.
Having intermediate knowledge using Adobe Photoshop and great interest in graphics,
skills to troubleshoot vast amount of errors that arises from a PC,
a 'fast-learner', and a fairly good gamer at any games except RTS. I'm raised in a small part of Shah Alam, Section 16. And I guess very little of Malaysian would know this place, and I'm bound, determined to make an exception for that in the future. Showing others that my origin doesn't determine where would I go and ends up at, but rather everyone can do things like others, as long as you have a dream for it. And I believe the 'me' now, is a unique one.
The colour for me would be White, and I believe it has something to do with my very own personality. I love white for its..happiness, the..'flawless nature' of it. I am someone who seek perfection, until something is perfect for me, I will do something with it, until it reaches my expectation. I guess that happens everytime when I'm doing simple arts with Photoshop, it would take me longer than an hour just to finish one very simple work.
White also represents 'peace' and 'purity'. Peaceful environment is just my cup of tea, nothing beats a quiet and peaceful place for me to sit back, and take my time to empty my mind and stray away from the busy lifestyle nowadays..
I love making graphic works with Adobe Photoshop(although I am VERY VERY poor in hand drawing), but I wouldn't say it's a talent, it is just something I love to do when I have time to[ and not feeling lazy x) ]. I'm not that talkative, and it's hard for me to express myself through words coming out from my mouth, so I figure out artwork is just the way to go.
Below is one of the example of work I've done.
This is one of them.
(Did this for a graphic poster competition in my school)
(Caution : Huge image size, enlarge to have a clearer view of the effects)
(Mysterious and 'ancient' like)
Before :
After :
The first artwork I made using Photoshop :
Although it's not that good, but it means alot to me. The day this is made, it is the first time ever(as I could remember clearly) that I'm proud of myself. I used to be a kid that knows nothing, not to say talent. Not only I know how to create rookie graphics now, it also sparked my interest in graphics. Monday, December 17 2007 is the turning point of my life. (Well it's my PC who said the image was created on that day :>)
It gave me a giggle when I read the 'question'. It had me thinking when is the last time I saw any money note on the street x_x Moreover its RM50..
Honestly if I found a RM50 note on the street, I would start thinking of what could I do with it first.
Will I be needing money on anything important especially stuffs that are related to my studies(books etc.)?
If yes :
I would take it and use it for anything important.
If no :
I would save it for future uses.
There is nothing on earth that I'm more passionate for other than a computer. I mean, anything related to them. Especially graphics and multimedia stuff like video and audio. I've always been amazed by the fancy advertisements be it on an advertising board, TV or on the web. Questions will be flooding my mind about how they were done, do they require specific coding, or it's just using an application to get it done? I want to find that out so much, but there's always obstacles before I reach my dream. First would be do I have what it takes to learn that. So I plan to strengthen my studies and achieve fine results in my STPM so I would be given a chance for Multimedia Programming courses in any colleges. Next, I would be praying that I would get a spot at this once-in-a-lifetime chance event, Digi Spark! Where I might get a glimpse or a general idea from DiGi big brothers and sisters on what I should/need to be doing in order to reach my goal. May the force be with me :D
In 15 years, my age would be added to a total of 33. And where do I see myself? I would most probably sitting in my own office with a high-end PC to be working with on a multimedia project. Enjoying a job that I like, having a life that everyone dreams of..And I'm determined to make it a true event, not just a dream.
What My Full Name Means |
![]() You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |