The song 'Low' played on my phone. Jumped right up rushing towards the wall socket and pressed Stop. Phew, didn't wake my roommate.
Next thing on my mind,
Spark! is coming to an end ain't it...
Sudden light-sorrowness strucked me...
Spark! is coming to an end ain't it...
Sudden light-sorrowness strucked me...
It's Hybrid Krump for today morning exercise. It's kinda related to dancing, street style. Learned some basic moves, and we're divided into two groups. Male and female. 'Battle' time. And of course I went to hid at the back ._.'
First our instructors showed us how it's done.
First round,
Anyway, thanks to them and DiGi, this night is very very special.
Done with dinner, we went back hotel for Reflection Time. Not much energy left for reflections..
Asyraf had to come in order for us to select the photos we need for tomorrow. Poor guy, I don't really know what time did he went back. Around 1 I guess? And he still have to put them on a slideshow, convert our pics to BW :P Thanks badi.
Spark! is coming to an end...
First our instructors showed us how it's done.
Wawa and Hamzah
First round,
Meo and Yaya

Had our fun that night, YAWA even performed in neon lights, making it even more exciting.
Hot dance by the way ;)
Second round, third round, fourth round went on. I don't really remember the sequence of who went out, but what I do remember is Cedrick going out. He's awesome..

Done with Hybrid Krump, we have around an hour to sparkle and have breakfast before moving to D'House. Finally I get to slowly enjoy my Koko Krunch with milk.

Second round, third round, fourth round went on. I don't really remember the sequence of who went out, but what I do remember is Cedrick going out. He's awesome..
Cedrick and Sherilyn
John and Ada
Fakhrul and Taira (Funniest pair :P)

Done with Hybrid Krump, we have around an hour to sparkle and have breakfast before moving to D'House. Finally I get to slowly enjoy my Koko Krunch with milk.
Credits :

Arrived at D'House and as usual, there will be talks. But, the talk on this very good morning is not the usual talk. It left the biggest impact on my perception towards life, towards my goal, my dream, my passion. Yeah quite everything.
I'll remember the five DiGizens who went forward to give the talk. Big thanks to all of you. * If you happen to read this =) *
I'll remember the five DiGizens who went forward to give the talk. Big thanks to all of you. * If you happen to read this =) *
Today :
Theatre and Expression Through Speech, Improve and Thinking On Your Feet
Mentors :
Chris and Edwin
Theatre and Expression Through Speech, Improve and Thinking On Your Feet
Mentors :
Chris and Edwin
I enjoyed this session, I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy the others, just that I enjoyed this a lil' more since I have to go up the stage and 'act' :X
All of us are divided into ten groups. I'm with CD, Samm, Roghini and Jamie.
I can't elaborate more on this workshop since I got no photos of it and too busy having fun :P
Done with the workshop, we're on Spark! Time again. This is the last chance for us, photographers to take the last few snaps we can. We are also nervous, thinking of which picture should we choose for both exhibition and slideshow presentation tomorrow.
We didn't have enough time to choose the photos we want because we need to rehearse awhile for tomorrow Fireworks : The Spark! Show.
Finished with the short rehearsal, we're on our way to Restoran Rebung,
owned by Chef Ismail.
All of us are divided into ten groups. I'm with CD, Samm, Roghini and Jamie.
I can't elaborate more on this workshop since I got no photos of it and too busy having fun :P
Done with the workshop, we're on Spark! Time again. This is the last chance for us, photographers to take the last few snaps we can. We are also nervous, thinking of which picture should we choose for both exhibition and slideshow presentation tomorrow.
We didn't have enough time to choose the photos we want because we need to rehearse awhile for tomorrow Fireworks : The Spark! Show.
Finished with the short rehearsal, we're on our way to Restoran Rebung,
owned by Chef Ismail.
Emotions were high-rise there that night, it is our last dinner together..
Everyone was grabbing the opportunity to snap photos with each other. Took a few shots of and with those who I consider close while being there =) Without them I wouldn't be spitting even a word out.. Thanks guys, you know who you are.
Cedrick, Meo, Fakhrul and few others came out to talk, speech or some sort, to every Sparkers.
Makes us feel like that very night we will be parting. Hated them :/
Then, YAWA surprised us with a great performance.
Everyone was grabbing the opportunity to snap photos with each other. Took a few shots of and with those who I consider close while being there =) Without them I wouldn't be spitting even a word out.. Thanks guys, you know who you are.
Cedrick, Meo, Fakhrul and few others came out to talk, speech or some sort, to every Sparkers.
Makes us feel like that very night we will be parting. Hated them :/
Then, YAWA surprised us with a great performance.
Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam, (YAWA), can be translated as 'Children's Environmental Heritage Foundation'. A non-profit, non-government organisation, it was founded in 1990, as an informal group called the Junior Environmental Group of Malaysia (JEGOM) purely to instill a love of and care for the environment in young people. JEGOM changed its name to Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam and was registered in 1996 as a Foundation limited by Guarantee.
YAWA nurtures continuous positive development in young people throughout the critical growing stages of life. Networking with organisations both locally and internationally, YAWA has organised almost 100 projects involving many hundreds of children.
A low quality sample of what YAWA performed that night.
Anyway, thanks to them and DiGi, this night is very very special.
Done with dinner, we went back hotel for Reflection Time. Not much energy left for reflections..
Asyraf had to come in order for us to select the photos we need for tomorrow. Poor guy, I don't really know what time did he went back. Around 1 I guess? And he still have to put them on a slideshow, convert our pics to BW :P Thanks badi.
Spark! is coming to an end...
just to get the hang of it..
the sequence of the dance thingy :
1) meo n yaya
2) sherilyn n cedric
3) john n ada
4) taira n fakhrul (n yes they were the funniest pair!)
haha.. n i dun think asyraf went back at 11pm cuz he was still there at 1.20 am when i returned the camera to khai and went to look for the drama team rehearsal!
asyraf helped us a lot.. i thanked him for his sacrifices!
Thanks updating my blog, I have short-term memory probs @@
Poor Asyraf, I'll write 2 then.
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