6:00 PM

What makes me, ME..?

I believe everyone have their own way to represent themselves, a unique identity. So do I. I'm just an ordinary kid, having no extraordinary flawless looking face, or standing 185cm tall, I am me myself.
I see things differently, and I love being different.
Having intermediate knowledge using Adobe Photoshop and great interest in graphics,
skills to troubleshoot vast amount of errors that arises from a PC,
a 'fast-learner', and a fairly good gamer at any games except RTS. I'm raised in a small part of Shah Alam, Section 16. And I guess very little of Malaysian would know this place, and I'm bound, determined to make an exception for that in the future. Showing others that my origin doesn't determine where would I go and ends up at, but rather everyone can do things like others, as long as you have a dream for it. And I believe the 'me' now, is a unique one.